Common sneezeweed northern va ecotype. Connecticut, New Jersey, New York. Common sneezeweed northern va ecotype

 Connecticut, New Jersey, New YorkCommon sneezeweed northern va ecotype Helenium autumnale L

00 % Mix Price/Lb Bulk. Helenium virginicum is a rare species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name Virginia sneezeweed. 3% Solidago rugosa, PA Ecotype (Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod, PA Ecotype) 0. Extensive field work in the more thanDescription. General Product Information. 15 1. 4% Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamot) General Product Information. 4% Aster. 0% Elymus virginicus, Madison-NY Ecotype (Virginia Wildrye, Madison-NY Ecotype) 12. Appendix by Organization - Sustainable Raritan RiverNN Common Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale NN Southern Sneezeweed Helenium flexuosum VN Swamp Sunflower, Narrow-leaved Sunflower Helianthus angustifolius VN Tall Sunflower Helianthus giganteus NC American Alumroot "Coral Bells" (NC) Heuchera americana NN Little Brown Jug (VN) Hexastylis arifolia NN Swamp Rose-mallow. Common yarrow is a low-growing plant with grayish-green, fern-like leaves. 9% Vernonia noveboracensis, PA Ecotype (New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype) 2. 00 % Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype 144. Wood - shortleaf sneezeweed P: Helenium campestre Small - oldfield sneezeweed P: Helenium drummondii H. Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype. Williamson Nikon D7000 Tamron SP 90MM f/2. 20 1. 9% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 0. The large disk is dome-shaped. 0% Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype (Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype) 2. Greenwhite Sedge, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, Madison-NY Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype. laevicaule, GA Ecotype Starry Rosinweed, GA Ecotype 216. Species:1. Anaphalis margaritacea. 5% Vernonia noveboracensis, PA Ecotype (New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype) 0. common sneezeweed : HEAUA : Helenium autumnale L. Growing From seed. Rock - fringed sneezeweed P: Helenium. 20 % Asclepias syriaca, PA Ecotype Common Milkweed, PA Ecotype 96. 10 % Solidago bicolor, PA Ecotype White Goldenrod, PA Ecotype 240. 50 % Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype 144. 4% Helenium autumnale, PA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, PA Ecotype) 0. 255 up to 3. 50 % Scirpus cyperinus, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Woolgrass,. Helenium virginicum (Virginia sneezeweed) is a perennial plant and a member of the aster family (Compositae or Asteraceae) known only from Augusta and Rockingham Counties, Virginia. 10 % Eupatorium fistulosum, PA Ecotype Joe Pye Weed, PA Ecotype 273. long (15 cm), and topped with eye-catching daisy flowers. 30 % Scirpus cyperinus, PA Ecotype Woolgrass, PA Ecotype 115. 0% Juncus effusus, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype (Soft Rush, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype) 2. We are focused on production of Ecotype seed from the. The large center disk is globular, ¾ to 1-inch in diameter, yellow to brownish. Rosa virginiana Virginia Rose Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan Veronicastrum. 038 0. Virginia Sneezeweed . 1. 00 % Panicum anceps, Eastern Shore MD Ecotype Beaked Panicgrass, Eastern Shore MD Ecotype 43. 2% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 0. 001, 2 Helenium autumnale common sneezeweed (VA ecotype) 5 FACW sun 3 1, 2 Helianthus angustifolius swamp sunflower (NC ecotype) 5. Sassafras, birch, aspen, and hazelnut are common associates in earlier-successional areas. 00 % Vernonia gigantea, PA Ecotype Giant Ironweed, PA Ecotype 72. 00 % Eupatorium perfoliatum, PA Ecotype Boneset, PA Ecotype 192. 20 % Aster laevis, NY Ecotype Smooth Blue Aster, NY Ecotype 336. 552 Wetland Mix – Obligate Mix . Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. 00 0. Add to Project. Control of woody vegetation in areas with Virginia sneezeweed. Desert elkweed Frasera albomarginata. 50 % Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype Purplehead Sneezeweed,. The attractive purple flowers of Common Milkweed seed bloom in the summer, reaching a height of up. 50 % Aster puniceus, PA Ecotype Purplestem Aster, PA Ecotype 432. 0% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 1. fAC PNf3 AOOXA 110SCHAT£LLlNA L. Quercus ilicifolia. 50. Add to Project. 1% Aster prenanthoides, PA Ecotype (Zigzag Aster, PA Ecotype) $10. 00 % Mix Price/Lb Bulk. 2% Solidago rugosa, PA Ecotype. 20. Helenium virginicum is a rare species of flowering plant in the aster family known by the common name Virginia sneezeweed. 00 0. 035 LB PLS HELHEL01 Oxeye Sunflower, PA Ecotype 0. 0. It is commonly found in. These descriptions are intended to provide the. 20 2. 40 % Elymus virginicus, PA Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype 10. The term piedmont prairie describes the grassland ecosystem that once covered a substantial part of the U. 00 100. 00 1, 2 Helenium autumnale common sneezeweed (VA ecotype) 5 FACW sun 3 1, 2 Helianthus angustifolius swamp sunflower (NC ecotype) 5. Salinity abiotic stress is increasing day by day due to continuous global warming and climate change. 90 % Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype 144. 00 % Mix Price/Lb Bulk: $60. 0. 2013. 00 0. It is limited to a specific type of habitat and it is threatened by modification of this habitat. 40 % Monarda fistulosa, Fort Indiantown Gap-PA Ecotype Wild Bergamot, Fort Indiantown Gap-PA. autumnale and its numerous hybrids have the greatest color and diversity. Virginia’s borders contain portions of seven terrestrial ecoregions, each of which will be shortly described on the following pages. 00 1. 00 0. 5% Vernonia noveboracensis, PA Ecotype (New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype)0. It has a much more limited range in New England, where hickories may be present. 0. 0. 00 10. 2% Tradescantia ohiensis, PA Ecotype (Ohio Spiderwort, PA Ecotype) 1. Common Name Scientific name bloom bloom bloom region moisture needs sunlight needs flower color Coreopsis-Largeflower Tickseed* (GA ecotype) Coreopsis grandiflora (GA) sprg sum All low full sun yellow Coreopsis-Plains* Coreopsis tinctoria sprg sum All high sun to part shade yellow Coreopsis-Tall* (AL ecotype) Coreopsis tripteris (AL) sum fall M, P. John Knox had another hypothesis. 00 % Elymus virginicus Virginia Wildrye 8. $10. To minimize harm to this species use a selective herbicide, a spot application, or well timed application with a nonselective herbicide when this plant is dormant. General Product Information. In late summer and fall, one plant can produce as many as 100 yellow flower heads in a branching array. Blooms August–November. Soil Moisture Regime. Helping restore the native landscape for over 50 years. 1. S. 0% Helenium autumnale, PA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, PA Ecotype) 2. 00 0. 0. 00 100. 4% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 0. 1. 00 1. 50. Ernst Seeds. 40 % Aster puniceus, PA Ecotype Purplestem Aster, PA Ecotype 432. 00 % Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype 144. 02% Virginia wildrye PA Ecotype Elymusvirginicus 16. 60 1. When you enter Grove Point Park turn right down the gravel road and you'll find us behind the community garden plots. Botanical Name Common Name Price/Lb 44. autumnale : common sneezeweed : HEAUC :. 80 3. E - R. General Product Information. Adiantum pedatum northern maidenhair fern • • •. 5% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 0. 00 % Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype Purplehead. 020 LB PLS EUPPER01 Boneset, PA Ecotype. 2% Eupatorium perfoliatum, PA Ecotype (Boneset, PA Ecotype) 0. 00 1. 0. 00 0. Height: 60-150 cm (23-59 in) Habitat: Forests, Fields and Open Areas. 0% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 1. 00 % Lespedeza virginica, VA Ecotype Slender Lespedeza, VA. For one of the northern genotypes, leaf primordia that were initialed under long days subsequently. 00. 7% Vernonia noveboracensis, PA Ecotype (New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype) 1. In southern-more occurrences in Maryland or Virginia, pines (shortleaf, Virginia, andSpecies Name (Synonym) Common Name Family COFC COFW Corylus americana hazelnut Betulaceae 4 4 Crataegus berberifolia var. 6% Aster puniceus, PA Ecotype (Purplestem Aster, PA Ecotype)1, 2 Helenium autumnale common sneezeweed (VA ecotype) 5 FACW sun 3 1, 2 Helianthus angustifolius swamp sunflower (NC ecotype) 5. Each head has 11-21 ray florets surrounding sometimes as many as 800 disc florets. Helenium is a genus of annuals and herbaceous perennials having yellow or orange-to-red daisy-like flowers. Botanical Name Common Name Price/Lb 28. Northern red oak . 00 % Coreopsis lanceolata Lanceleaf Coreopsis 28. Trailing four o'clock Allionia incarnata. 50. It occurs in the United States, where it has a disjunct distribution; it is known only from Virginia and Missouri. H. 00 % Vernonia noveboracensis, PA Ecotype New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype 264. This sp. Glenn, S. 50 % Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype 144. Species: Blue Vervain, PA Ecotype. Heath shrubs are common inCommon Sneezeweed is a handsome plant, with its broad inflorescence of bright yellow rays (toothed at the tips) and yellow, dome-shaped disk. 0% Juncus effusus (Soft Rush) 2. 36 8. It is primarily found growing in sandy soil ranging from Florida, Virginia, Missouri, Kansas, and Texas. 5% Aster prenanthoides, PA Ecotype (Zigzag Aster, PA Ecotype) 1. 5% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 0. 40 % Vernonia noveboracensis, PA Ecotype New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype 264. 7% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 0. The lake whitefish ( Coregonus clupeaformis) is a species of freshwater whitefish from North America. 2% Eupatorium fistulosum, PA Ecotype (Joe Pye Weed, PA Ecotype) 0. 4% Aster puniceus, PA Ecotype (Purplestem Aster, PA Ecotype) 0. 40 % Vernonia noveboracensis, PA Ecotype New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype 264. Native/Non-native: Native. F. Transcriptional profiling showed that expression levels. Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype, Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype seed. 30 % Eupatorium perfoliatum, PA Ecotype Boneset, PA Ecotype 192. Virginia threeseed mercury UPL, FACU Acer rubrum red maple Perennial Tree FAC Acorus calamus calamus. 40 % Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype 216. Helenium virginicum (Virginia sneezeweed) is a perennial plant and a member of the aster family (Compositae or Asteraceae) known only from Augusta and. Here you will find detailed information on more than 300 natural communities found in Virginia. Beginning Monday, Aug 28 at 8am through Sunday, Sept 3 at midnight, purchase plants on ActiveMontgomery. 5% Helenium autumnale, PA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, PA Ecotype) 0. This local native is easily grown in rich, moist soils in full sun. 00 % Eupatorium coelestinum, VA Ecotype Mistflower, VA Ecotype 480. 5% Asclepias incarnata, PA Ecotype (Swamp Milkweed, PA Ecotype) 1. 00 % Juncus tenuis, NC Ecotype Path Rush, NC Ecotype 79. 00 % Juncus tenuis, NC Ecotype Path Rush, NC Ecotype 79. 00 1. 60. Mix 765. Spreading sneezeweed Centipeda minima, is nutrient dense herb support for malaria, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, eczema, insect or snake bites, opium poisoning, whooping cough, gallstones, hypertrophic rhinitis, chronic bronchitis, conjunctivitis, vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, fungal vaginitis,. 50 % Bidens aristosa, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Showy Tickseed Sunflower (Bur Marigold), Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 25. 90 % Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype 216. 1. 00 2. 20 100. 00 % Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype 144. e. In the northern half of the range, conditions can grade to dry-mesic, reflected in the local abundance of beech. 60 1. 00 1. 0% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 1. Connecticut, New Jersey, New York. 10 % Schizachyrium scoparium, 'Camper' Little Bluestem, 'Camper' 12. PA Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype 10. 70 % Panicum clandestinum, Tioga Deertongue, Tioga 22. Helenium virginicum Common Name Virginia sneezeweed FWS Category Flowering Plants Kingdom Plantae Location in Taxonomic Tree Genus Helenium Species Helenium virginicum Identification Numbers TSN: 502914 Characteristics Habitat Physical Characteristics Life Cycle Geography Launch Interactive Map + − A tall invasive wetland grass, common reed (Phragmites australis ssp. 0% Carex lurida, PA Ecotype (Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype) 4. 00 0. 90 % Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype 144. The wetland areas where Virginia sneezeweed is found need to be protected in order to protect its habitat. Zakhour received her degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery from Howard University. Species ecotype shall be as native to New England region as possible. Helenium parviflorum Nutt. 00 % Juncus effusus Soft Rush 48. 00 1. 00 % Juncus tenuis, PA Ecotype Path Rush, PA Ecotype 48. [Common sneezeweed ] Oclemena [Nodding-aster] O. 58 22. 043 0. 4% Vernonia noveboracensis, PA Ecotype (New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype) 0. Add to Project. Common sneezeweed can be found throughout the United States in moist soils along streams, ponds, in swamps, and wetlands. 40 1. 10. 00 % Lespedeza virginica, VA Ecotype Slender Lespedeza, VA Ecotype 216. 0% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 1. 00 % Mimulus ringens, PA Ecotype Square Stemmed Monkeyflower, PA. Common buckwheat, a short-day plant, is a highly adaptable crop grown widely from low to high latitudes, although the cultivation season and cultivars are limited by latitude and altitude (Sugawara 2001). 00 1. 5 to 3. Centipeda cunninghamii is a species of flowering plant in the Asteraceae family. Apply this mix at 20 lbs PLS/acre. 50 % Aster lateriflorus Calico Aster 336. 00 2. Common Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale x x x Purplehead Sneezeweed Helenium flexuosum x x x Giant Sunflower Helianthus giganteus x x x x Oxeye Sunflower Heliopsis helianthoides x x x x x Aggressive; plant with caution Crimsoneyed Rosemallow Hibiscus moscheutos x x x Spotted St. 00 1. 00 0. By including milkweeds in gardens, landscaping, wildlife habitat restoration projects, and native revegetation efforts, you can provide breeding habitat for. 00 % Schizachyrium scoparium, 'Prairie View'-IN Ecotype Little Bluestem 'Prairie View'-IN Ecotype 11. 0% Senna hebecarpa, VA & WV Ecotype (Wild Senna, VA & WV Ecotype) 0. 20. Common Non-native Plants. 012 0. It grows 2–5 feet tall on erect stems, with lance-shaped leaves arranged alternately on the stem, each leaf base continuing. Rosa virginiana Virginia Rose Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan Veronicastrum virginicum Culver’s root Rosa carolina Carolina Rose Perennials – Herbaceous Fall Blooming Helenium autumnale Common sneezeweed Monarda punctata Spotted bee balm Physostegia virginiana False dragon’s head / obedient plant Solidago sempervirens Seaside goldenrodBotanical Name Common Name Price/Lb 29. 00 0. • Bloom Time: White flowers in June, July, August. Included in mixes. 3% Solidago. 0% Juncus tenuis, PA Ecotype (Path Rush, PA Ecotype) 0. 00 1. VA Ecotype 216. 9% 1,458 A small pond and wetland habitat with variable vegetation found in basins of sinkholes or other isolated depressions on uplands from the Ozarks east to the northern Piedmont. 043 0. 5% Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype (Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype) 0. 60 0. Find the exact seeds you need for your project using the advanced search and filtering options of our Seed Finder Tool:5. 00 0. 5 FAC+ sun/part shade 3 Parthenium integrifolium wild quinine (VA ecotype) 4 N/A sun/part shade 3 Penstemon laevigatus Appalachian beardtongue (SC ecotype) 3 FAC sun/part shade 30. 00 100. 38 Seeding Rate: Seed at 20 lbs/acre with a cover crop. VA Ecotype Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype 144. 9 Grass Perennial Schizachyrium scoparium, Piedmont NC EcotypeLittle Bluestem 0. Helenium virginicum . Ted Munns, President, and the Board of Directors of the Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society for their whole-hearted support of this project. 00. 8 AF Macro: Autumn Sneezeweed has a hemispheric greenish-yellow central disc and 8 to 21 bright yellow fan-shaped ray florets, tipped with 3 shallow lobes. White, red, chestnut, black, and scarlet oaks are typical, and american holly is sometimes present. Helenium virginicum Common Name Virginia sneezeweed FWS Category Flowering Plants Kingdom Plantae Location in Taxonomic Tree Genus Helenium Species Helenium. 80 Seeds Virginia Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum virginianum) PA Ecotype 5 out of 5 stars (2). Species:. 3% Lobelia siphilitica, PA Ecotype (Great Blue Lobelia, PA Ecotype)1, 2 Helenium autumnale common sneezeweed (VA ecotype) 5 FACW sun 3 1, 2 Helianthus angustifolius swamp sunflower (NC ecotype) 5. 3% Heliopsis helianthoides, PA Ecotype (Oxeye Sunflower, PA Ecotype) 1. Attractive late season bloomer. 00 0. Rhode Island Wild Plant Society. Tree roots need 1 to 2 cubic feet of non-compacted soil volume for every square foot of expected crown area spread. Seed Information. For a cover2. Plant seeds during spring in an area with well-drained soil and full sunlight. 00 % Elymus virginicus, PA Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype 8. VA Northern Coastal Plain Retention Basin Mix - ERNMX-873 Botanical Name Common Name Price/Lb 26. 61 8. Water depth may vary greatly on a seasonal basis and may be a meter deep or more in the winter. The plant was used by indigenous. 36. In the forests of northern Hokkaido, Qd is rare, and a coastal ecotype of Qc with some Qd-like traits grows on the coastal side. Like other members of the aster family, the 1. 3% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 0. The native form of this plant produces bright yellow flowers,. 00 0. Sneezeweed is a wonderful, large, daisylike, yellow flowering perennial that is a great selection for a rain garden, pollinator garden, cottage garden, wild garden, prairie, or meadow with lots of sun and moisture. • Plant Type: Shrub. 0% Eupatorium perfoliatum, PA Ecotype (Boneset, PA Ecotype) 0. 0% Juncus tenuis, NC Ecotype (Path Rush, NC Ecotype) 0. information Flower Heritage Garden Pollinators & likely pollinators woody plants (including vines) American cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpon heath [Ericaceae] may-june bogs - acidic conditions required pink bog bees: bumble (buzz pollination; most effective) leaf. Add to Project. 00 0. 60 1. 4% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 0. This means that planting in a little square that is cut out of pavement is problematic except for the smallest trees. Ponds supporting Virginia sneezeweed vary in size, basin depth and shape, and length of hydroperiod. Last Revised by: USDA NRCS National Plant Data Team. 90 % Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype 216. 50 % Monarda fistulosa, Fort Indiantown Gap-PA. The amount of quality habitat for insects and pollinators has been dramatically reduced by regular spraying and mowing along. 7% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype)0. 00 0. Common Milkweed seed has very high pollinator value and an essential food source for monarch butterfly caterpillars and other beneficial insects. The species name “sempervirens” refers to the plant’s evergreen habit, particularly in the South. 0% Juncus tenuis, NC Ecotype (Path Rush, NC Ecotype) General Product Information. 0% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 1. m. 7k) $ 7. 50 % Scirpus cyperinus, PA Ecotype Woolgrass, PA Ecotype. 00 1. 00 % Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype 28. Pond (Typic Type) (VA) MD, NJ, PA, VA, WV 7. Goldman, D. 10555 Main St, Suite 150, Fairfax, VA 22030. Pond (Typic Type) (VA) MD, NJ, PA, VA, WV 7. ) H. Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 0. 4% Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype (Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype) 0. 0% Agrostis hyemalis, Piedmont NC Ecotype (Winter Bentgrass, Piedmont NC Ecotype) 2. 7% Vernonia noveboracensis, PA Ecotype (New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype) 0. Stems grow 2-4 feet tall, with many elliptical leaves that lack stalks but which are decurrent on the stem (each leaf base extends as a narrow "wing" down the stem). Plant–bacteria interaction plays an essential role in improving crop yield without using any chemical fertilizers. [9] [10] After several weeks, check to see if roots have formed. Common Sneezeweed Helenium autumnale x x xAppendix by Organization - Sustainable Raritan RiverThis native mix is designed for stormwater mitigation projects in Virginia's Northern Ridge & Valley region. 0% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 2. Species: Common Sneezeweed, PA Ecotype. The height of growth varies from variety to variety: The smallest ones only grow about 60 centimeters (24 in) high, but among the late-flowering varieties there. Big Bluestem, Turkey-foot. Ted Munns, President, and the Board of Directors of the Northern Neck Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society for their whole-hearted support of this project. 0% Juncus effusus 3. 50 % Vernonia noveboracensis, PA Ecotype New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype 264. 61 Seeding Rate: Seed at 20 lbs/acre with a cover crop. [4] [5] [6]Botanical Name Common Name Price/Lb 49. 0 Bloom. Beginning Friday, Aug 25, browse the available plants and create a wish list on ActiveMontgomery. Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype, Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype seed. Here are the main care requirements for growing helenium: Plant helenium in a location with full sun and well-drained, moist, acidic soil. 50 % Vernonia noveboracensis, PA Ecotype New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype 264. 3% Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype (Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype) 0. 00. Add to Favorites Sneezeweed starter plant (Helenium autumnale) (dormant) (2. [Tall northern bog orchid] P. 00 0. 5% Aster. 30% – Rudbeckia hirta | Blackeyed Susan; 2. Its erect, branching stems are clothed with slender, lance-shaped, dark green leaves, 6 in. 00 0. 40 0. 20 % Eupatorium perfoliatum, PA Ecotype. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. 10 % Solidago juncea, PA Ecotype Early Goldenrod, PA Ecotype 336. VA Ecotype Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype 144. 20 0. 0% Vernonia gigantea, PA Ecotype (Giant Ironweed, PA Ecotype) 0. 00 % Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype 144. 00 0. It should be cut back in early summer to encourage branching and increase flowers. 00 % Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Narrowleaf. 00 1. 30 % Scirpus cyperinus, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Woolgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 115. 5% Helenium flexuosum, VA Ecotype (Purplehead Sneezeweed, VA Ecotype) 0. PA Ecotype Common Sneezeweed, PA Ecotype 216. 00 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67.